After-School Soccer - Tuesdays (K-3rd) - 8 Weeks! Cooper Mountain

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After-School Soccer - Tuesdays (K-3rd) - 8 Weeks! Cooper Mountain


This clinic is after-school from 3:00PM-4:00PM at Cooper Mountain Elementary Fields

During this after-school soccer clinic we utilize imaginative games to focus on basic soccer skills like dribbling, passing and shooting. We conduct two soccer drills that teach specific skills everyday, followed by three games that highlight those skills through a fun game or scrimmage.

Added Bonus! We also highlight a positive character trait each session such as sportsmanship, kindness, or respect. We also work on problem solving and team work throughout every session.



April 9th

April 16th

April 23rd

April 30th

May 7th

May 14th

May 21st

May 28th

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